Complete a oração com o pronome apropriado: _____ people came to the party. The house was full.
Complete a sentença abaixo com o pronome apropriado: I figured out a solution for the problem. A solution for the problem was figured out by ____.
Complete a sentença abaixo com o pronome apropriado: Pollution and deforestation are causing changes in the climate. Changes in the climate are being caused by _____.
Complete a sentença abaixo com o pronome apropriado: The participants spoke English during the meeting. English was spoken by ____ during the meeting.
Complete a sentença abaixo com o pronome apropriado: You determine the result of the project. The result of the project is determined by____.
Complete a sentença abaixo com o pronome apropriado: We have created many environmental problems. Many environmental problems have been created by ____.
Complete a sentença abaixo com o pronome apropriado: Hollywood has produced some of the best movies in history. Some of the best movies in history have been produced by ____.
Complete a sentença abaixo com o pronome apropriado: The emission of greenhouse gases create high temperatures. High temperatures are created by ____ .
Complete a sentença abaixo com o pronome apropriado: The director of the company has made many changes. Many changes have been made by _____.
Complete a sentença abaixo com o pronome apropriado: The people cleaned the beaches. The beaches were cleaned by _____.